- Lost_Deviation,Lost 取“迷失”义,Deviation 取“偏离”义,ID 是中学参加信息学竞赛的时候起的,(因为各种网站的昵称长度限制)也会用 XDeviation 作为 ID
- 00 后,生长在广东的四川人
- 华南理工大学软件工程专业,文远知行基础架构组员工,常用语言为 C++ / Python / TypeScript,什么都会一点但什么都不精通的全栈工程师
- 前 MOer/OIer/ACMer/CTFer。没有拿金牌的天赋,也缺少拿金牌的努力
- 宅。偏好轻小说,写过专栏,采访过声优和偶像,也写过轻小说作家的采访稿
- 喜欢阎连科、徐则臣、纳博科夫,偏好尖锐而有温度的文字
- “如果找不到想要的工具,那么就自己做一个”,兴趣使然的工程师,相信自己在改变世界
联系 / 捕捉我
- 包括但不限于软件开发
- 不会分享工作相关内容,只谈论自己日常开发时遇到的问题
- 因为不想切换输入法,所以技术分享的文章以英文为主
- 偶尔会掉落随笔或者别的作品
- 若无特殊标明,该博客的所有文章遵循 CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 协议
About me
- Lost_Deviation, the ID is from when I participated in the informatics competition in middle school. Because of the length limit of the nickname, I will also use XDeviation as the ID.
- Born in 2000, native of Sichuan and grew up in Guangdong.
- Software engineering major of South China University of Technology, employee of WeRide Infra team. Commonly used languages are C++ / Python / TypeScript, full-stack engineer, know everything but is not proficient in anything.
- Ex MOer/OIer/ACMer/CTFer. No talent to be the best, nor the effort to be the best.
- Otaku. Preference for light novels. I have written columns, interviewed voice actors and idols, and written interviews with light novel writers.
- Like Yan Lianke, Xu Zechen and Vladimir Vladimirovich Nabokov, prefer sharp and warm works
- "If you can't find the tool you want, make one by yourself", an engineer who is believing that he is changing the world
Find me
About this blog
Focus on technology sharing
- including but not limited to software development
- Will not share work-related content, only talk about the problems encountered in daily development
- The articles shared by technology are mainly in English
- Occasionally drop essays or other works
- Unless otherwise specified, all articles on this blog follow the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 protocol